Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Welcome Home

Today, the dear, dear Cox Cable man came over to make my dreams come true. He set me up with some digital goodness and I am once again on the information superhighway. The digital world is once again at my fingertips. I can once again…breathe. Its sad how addicted to the internet I have become. One week without it at.my.house caused me to nearly succumb to seizures. I had to drive to my mom’s house, people! Drive! For the internet! For sweet, sweet email. I am now sitting in the comfort of my own home writing my very first blog post as a completely independent individual. I am completely thrilled with how things have turned out here. I love that everything has its place and I have even been compulsively cleaning. I am a single gal, who has run the dishwasher three times since being here for one week. Haha! I think my incessant vacuuming has driven away the neighbors. Two have moved out since I got here. Heehee! I think I finally have most things where they will permanently go. Only a few minor details are left undone and those are gradually finding their way into storage.

As I stated in an earlier post, I received my letter from the SPD this week and I am ranked number 5 out of 20 applicants. I am okay with that, honest. Given, there is still a slim, slim chance I will get it, I am banking on the fact that I will not. Therefore, I am applying for student loans as originally planned and I informed my boss this afternoon of my plans to stick around for awhile longer. The look of relief on her face was evident. Mostly in an “I told you so” sort of way. She wanted so badly to say it you could see it in her eyes. The words were hot in her mouth, yearning to break free. I think she may have tasted the tinge of iron as she bit her tongue. () In all honesty, I know she felt bad that I didn’t get it, and she told me she was proud of me for trying. She was even pretty impressed with how highly I ranked, but I think she wanted me to know her exact position on continuing my education. She never thought I’d be able to go to school and work the hours they were wanting. Funny. It seems she hasn’t seen me laugh in the faces of everyone else who told me I’d never do it. Where has she been?

There is not much else to write about at the moment. Atleast nothing that my brain will let me form into a coherent idea. I have spent the last 4 hours or so reading The DaVinci Code. Oh my goodness...do I ever recommend this? YES! It has captivated my entire attention span (which is saying quite a lot) and I am already over 1/3 of the way into it. I know it is a fiction story and that it has raised many questions among people since its conception, but man is it good and does it ever make you think? I bought it at Wal-Mart yesterday for $4. Do yourself a favor and read it. I think I may have finally found a reason to branch away from Harry Potter. haha!

Much love all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I told you you'd like the book!! It's my fav.! I love you and I'm sad that you are so happy without me. I never thought this day would come. tear. I miss you even though you don't miss me!