Monday, October 10, 2005

Big Dam Film Festival

One of my best friends, Clinton Begley, is in charge of the first annual Big Dam Film Festival!! Wanna take part?? Contact Clint at the address below.

Atavism Records
PMB #149
910 Broadway, Suite C
Quincy, IL 62301

The Best Film Festival This Side of Lock and Dam 21

Quincy, IL (October 5th, 2005)…Atavism Records has teamed up with Young Professionals Quincy to coordinate a night of cinematic entertainment featuring independently produced films from across the country. The event will take place on Saturday, February 25th, 2006 and is being held at “The State Room” in Quincy, Illinois.

“The Big Dam Film Fest” (as the event has been titled due to it’s namesake’s proximity to Quincy) will be a showcase of films not usually seen at the local movie theaters in Quincy. Instead, the films will encompass a balanced sample of the myriad styles and genres that the ambiguous term “independent film” represents.

Events of this nature are very popular in larger cities and are becoming part of a thriving culture of independent media across the country. The spirit of independent cinema is one that strives for freedom of expression. Not long ago, the realm of filmmaking was restricted to professional studios with huge budgets for equipment and manpower. With the progression of audio/video technology and it’s subsequent reduction in price, amateur and professional filmmakers alike can produce high quality films without the need to seek funding from a large-scale production company with it’s omnipresent red tape.

YP Quincy and Atavism Records hope that this event will spur an interest in and appreciation for independent filmmaking while presenting the works in a fun and lighthearted setting for all to enjoy.

The submission period is now open to any and all submissions of any style or genre and will continue through December 31st of this year. All submissions will be viewed by an experienced panel of guest judges for inclusion in the festival.
Experience of the judges includes backgrounds in broadcast, audio production, art and film.

Film submissions may be sent in the following formats: VHS, DVD, VCD and MPEG. Films should be accompanied by a contact person’s name, address, phone number and e-mail address if applicable.

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