Monday, October 03, 2005

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Anonymous said...

spontaneous body cavity search?

naah.. don't think so.

Maybe next time.

EKWisdom said... I'm gonna need you to come in tomorrow. So if you could be here, say, at nine...that would be greeeaat...

Anonymous said...

yeah.... it may not show, but I really miss my sister-in-law....

nah, probably not. Ok, so, I'll think of a better one in a minute!

Anonymous said...

"Come out my leetle flower. I am looking zumplace for yew!"

Anonymous said...

ok, trying again :
How about "this cap is cutting off all circulation to my head"... no?
Ok, then... how about "does this face make my mustache look big?".... no, not that one either? Ok, how about "who farted?"
Ah hell, I give up. This is too hard for my wee little brain :)