Friday, June 24, 2005

Big Bang

So I'm sitting here after work, watchin St. Louis go up in flames. Okay, so not ALL of St. Louis, but you guys should so see these balls of fire! They are reaching over 100 feet in the air. Praxair in South St. Louis, MO makes atmospheric gases and has large drums of explosive gasses all over its property. It is fairly near down town STL according to MSNBC. Every time a drum expoldes there is a huge ball of fire. I have spent the last 30 minutes or so trying to get ahold of my dad. I don't think that's the area he lives in, but you all know me and directions. If you don't, see 'Stupid thing #2 from June 17, 2005'.

Work was pretty good today, but it got really busy there for awhile. I was glad to be off work, but then again, I usually am. Now I'm sittin' here, listening to 'Funky Cold Medina', and trying to syke myself up to do some more homework. Yeah, I know its Friday, but I have a LOT of homework and would like as much of it done before my family gets here for the 4th. Not to mention, I am 'house sitting' for the weekend and will have nothing to do while I'm there...gonna study! haha! Can't help it, I'm a dork.

I guess I better get to it, eh? No time like the present.
God speed,

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