Monday, June 13, 2005

June 13, 2005

If you need a reason to smile today, I highly recommend that (a) you move into my house because Caitlin totally rocks my effin' socks off, (b) check out this picture at my friends site, and (c) congratulate me cause I'm gonna be an aunty!!!! Okay, so not quite...My cousin Phillip is going to be a daddy and is getting married this summer. Aww...kinda makes me sad, but really makes me happy. I know, that's weird. I used to babysit the kid for Pete's sake. (And yes Caitlin, I love Pete. That's why I occasionally say things "for the love of Pete". And yes, he does live in Dodge. Sometimes I just wanna get the hell outta there.)
I called my dad tonight to tell him about Phil and yeah, he was drunk. Kind of interesting to say the least. He told me that he is going to camp in my backyard and "snuggle" with the dog during the 4th of July. Mmm...k...
I met a person today, pretty good lookin' fella, but his name was Lloyd. Is it wrong that the name was a turn off? My question for the day to you is, what names do you find to be turn-offs? I'll go first...Bob, because it is such a cop out name!Tanner and any preppy, pretty boy name. You know, Ashton, etc.Wilbur and other really OLD names. Fred, Harold, Bill, etc. LET ME CLARIFY!! If you know or LOVE someone with these names, it does not in any way make them a BAD PERSON, it merely means I feel sorry for them having to go through an entire lifetime with that name. I too have family with such names. Harvey, Dubya B, Paul Eugene, Wayne Aldo, etc...and I love them DEARLY!
Your turn!
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Today started out well. I was up on time and proceeded to arrive at work on time. I happily ate my strawberry, frostingless pop tart and got the clinic open for business. THEN, a cranky lady had to come in and ruin my good mood! She walked in, with NO APPOINTMENT, and insisted that I call the doctor AT HOME to make sure she was on her way and would see her FIRST. Bitch. THEN, a surly man came in and yelled at ME because HE was incompetant. That's right, ass wipe, you're the stupid one, not me. I told the doctor if one more person was surly to me I was "crackin' skulls". (Anyone else a Breakfast Club fan?!) She just laughed at me and then brought me some chocolate chip cookies back from lunch. That lady knows how to make me smile! :)Next oddity. I'm sitting at my desk, minding my own business when I see a woman get out of her car without a carrier. Nope, no cat. Instead, in her hand was a single, solitary, clear, ziplock baggy. OMG. I tell you people, there is no fear quite like this. That bag could contain ANYTHING. The suspense is enough to make one vomit in their mouth a little. No joke, I've had people bring me bugs, parasites, urine, feces, blood, vomit, dirt, scabs, litter, fur, dandruff, things their cat only mildly digested (hair ties, shoe strings, blind pulls, paper clips...). The list goes on, I kid you not. I be fo real. So needless to say I was somewhat relieved when this nice British woman had only brought me a tick. That I can fix. However, today alone I have also seen urine and knats. That's right. Knats. A woman brought me bugs that were crawling in her BATHTUB and expected me to diagnose her problem. Um, how's about you CLEAN your house, lady, and then call an EXTERMINATOR. That, which I am not. Gross.Next, another clinic called to have me fax records to them. The name of the client sounded remotely familiar. I pulled the record and realized that not too long ago, she too had been a complete ASS complete with threats of changing clinics and then a great hang up. She called me on the phone approximate 1.5 MONTHS after her cats surgery and still had not brought it in to have it stitches removed. They were supposed to be taken out 1 WEEK after surgery. She then proceeded to inform me that her cat had been ill since the day it left our hospital. Sooo...let me get this straight. That's my fault? Who's the negligent pet owner??! NOT ME! It has now been another TWO months and she is just now taking her cat in. I'm serious people, DO NOT HAVE PETS UNLESS YOU CAN TAKE CARE OF THEM. If you can't afford food, medical care, preventative medicine, love and attention, then by GOD don't have animals. Don't dare call yourself an animal lover if you have to make allowances for why they're not cared for. Sheesh. Okay, my soap box is put away.I just sat here and watched the historic(?) Michael Jackson verdicts. 10 counts not guilty huh? And how long did this take?? Basically, I'm apathetic. I think the guy is a complete creepazoid and was unfairly passed up for the lead in Planet of the Apes, and I would NEVER allow him around my children, but does he really need a year long, televised trial because he may have given minors some alcohol? I know there's more to it than that...but, there really? I go to work on some Microeconomics homework. I'm pondering dropping out of college over this one. Yup, sho am.Liz
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