Thursday, June 16, 2005

June 16, 2005

Currently PlayingA Walk to RememberBy Various Artistssee relatedOn May 13th, I wrote an entry. On May 13th, I told you all that my friend Clint and I had an agreement that we'd marry each other if neither of us were married by the time we were 28. He was my backup!! Well, I also told you that I had a sinking feeling he would back out or marry some random person just to get out of having to marry me...AND GUESS WHAT?!! Okay, so they're not like walking down the aisle at the moment, but I got an email today about how she was "almost as sweet as me, but not quite" and how she reminds him of me, etc., etc. *ahem* Why is he dating someone that 'reminds' him of me when there is the REAL me! hahaha! I got the "we're too good of friends" speech back in high school and I take every open opportunity NOT to let him live that down! haha! Love ya Clint! No, really, he and I would probably kill each other. As much as we love each other and as great of friends as we really are...I think we'd absolutely kill each other. There would be a Roadrunner v. Coyote thing going on in our house at all times. Okay, so not really. I'm just trying to make myself feel better. ;) Now I'm hoping that one day I can talk Drew into being a sperm donor. haha!On top of this little pitimepowwow, I got asked AGAIN today if I have babies. Do these people not realize that every time they ask me, my ovaries die a little more??? Do they not realize that I told them 2 months ago that no i'm not married and no I don't have kids? I would have to be imaculate conception, I mean really. Not that it hasn't happened before and not that I doubt the Big Man, but I'm no Mary.Alright, enough of that. Don't have time to slit my wrists right now, I have homework to do. JUST KIDDING!!!! I'm really not that depressed about it. It's just that I talk about it every chance I get...yeah...not bitter...not at all.;)LOVE TO ALL!

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