Monday, June 20, 2005

Food n' Fonics

Today was a pretty good day. My boss was kind of in a 'mood' if you know what I mean, so I brightened her day with my story of the Karma Bee from last night. Did the trick! The rest of the day went fairly smoothly. I got home, did some studying and then went out to dinner at Chili's with Edwin, Caitlin and Edwin's friend Mike. We had a good ole time makin' fun of our waitress. She really wanted to tell us stories and stuff...about cravings she has at night and how she likes to eat her chips n' salsa....yeah, not lyin'. We went back home where I studied some more and then the three of us went to walk around Boomer. It was another event filled night what with dodging goose poo and killer roller bladers. Another oddity was that there were a lot of people dressed up to walk around Boomer. Here I am in sweats and a ratty t-shirt with sweat drippin' off every possible surface and you have this girls dressed like street walkers. 12 year old street walkers at that!! It was nuts. We ran to Braum's to grab a milkshake...that's right, we walked three miles and then went for an artery clogging beverage...get over it. We came home and I have been studying ever since. I'll be so glad when this exam is over tomorrow, but then it's right back to the homework (a 12 page paper) because it's due on Friday afternoon. Yup. I have spent all my time studying the crap I don't understand so that I could absorb it long enough to spew it onto a scantron, that now I am behind on the stuff due next week. 6 more weeks...I'm already counting down the days....
G'nite all....Lizzi

1 comment:

EKWisdom said...
